Personal Assistive Technologies
Home Exercise Program (HEP) is one of the most important aspects of osteopathy rehab and patient recovery program (Physiopedia, nd). This is an individualized set of therapeutic exercises that a patient is given in physical sessions to complete on their own at home. Personal feedback according to personal growth is another vital aspect of recovery programs. However, after patients return home from the osteopath’s session patients may forget the correct way of performing certain exercises in the absence of the clinician’s guidance through their exercise movements. They might find it difficult to self-analyse their movements and keep a track of personalized growth. This can increase the risk of acquiring new injury and slows down the healing process.
Therefore, the project HEPset aims to increase the accuracy and effectiveness of the Home exercise program (HEP). It consists of 3 main elements which are -
2. Personal Assistive App
3. EVA Foam Physical Guide
1. IMU Strap
An IMU is strapped to the leg just above the knee and the data captured provides information about the quality of the squat using a Max 8 patch. An app takes you through the process of setting up your profile, recording skills daily and analyzing possible improvements to fast - track recovery. Additionally, objects made from EVA foam is used to align the squat by providing a physical pressure reference to ensure your knees don’t extend past your toes, thus keeping hips in line with toes.